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Django 1.0 Alpha 2 released

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    Joaquim Rocha

Two days ago Django <a href=“” title=""Django 1.0 alpha 2 released” news” target=“_blank”>1.0 Alpha 2 was released! It is one more step towards the big 1.0 release of this GREAT python web framework.

From Django’s weblog, this Alpha 2 release “is intended primarily for developers who are interested in checking out the new features in 1.0 and helping to identify and resolve bugs prior to the final release. The 1.0 alpha releases will not receive long-term support and will not be updated with security fixes, since their main purpose is to serve as a stepping-stone on the path to the final Django 1.0 release.”

If you wanna help Django for the big release, take a look at the release roadmap and see where you can be helpful.

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