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Rancho en Español

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    Joaquim Rocha

Señoritas y Caballeros, Rancho is now in the romantic and expressive Spanish language!

Rancho was first launched with the English and Portuguese (translated by me) languages and Spanish was a language we definitely wanted it translated to.

My dear friends Javier Sánchez and Antonio Santos from Seville, Spain (and ex-colleagues of mine from BitRock) were kind enough to collaborate with the Rancho Team and translate it to their mother tongue. Javier and Antonio are also highly skilled in what comes to programming — it is what they do for living as well — and good people with whom I shared great moments.

Thank you guys for all the patience when I sent you another email with another untranslatable lost string! I miss hanging with you, BTW!

So go ahead and upgrade your SVN to get Rancho fully translated into one of the most spoken languages in the world.

We’re looking forward to have Rancho translated into more languages, if you want to participate in this project and translate it to your language, drop me an email or contact the Rancho Team at our official site.

Sharing is caring!