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OCRFeeder’s first tarball release

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    Joaquim Rocha

Hi folks,

I’m happy to announce the first OCRFeeder‘s tarball release. Because not all of you are programmers and a packaged release makes more sense to you, today I did it.

I wanted to have done this longer ago but there was some bugs (simple but annoying ones)  that I wanted to have fixed before a tarball release.

This first tarball represents the version 0.1-beta. Although named like that, don’t fear and go try it and report bugs/improvements. Why the beta on top of such a low version number? Because I wanted to make sure that it was “runnable” in most computers out there. This means that I haven’t tried to run OCRFeeder from scratch in other boxes but mine. So, if you’re gonna give it a try, please be so kind to write down every step until you can run it. Then you can fill in bug reports on the project’s Google Code.

Before I released this tarball I fixed the following two bugs:

  • All the temporary pictures are now being removed after they’re no longer needed;
  • The “Pages to Export” dialog is no longer being shown if there’s only one image/document loaded;

Today I also created an entry for OCRFeeder in GNOME Live as I think the project is related to our favorite DE.

So go on and enjoy OCR made easy on GNOME!

Sharing is caring!