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There is still professionalism

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    Joaquim Rocha

This is a draft. It might be incomplete or have errors.

By professionalism I mean the things that should define a professional, mainly: professional spirit, methods and ethic.

A while ago my fridge stopped working, no more cold beers, warm yogurt, etc. After confirming that it wasn’t a settings problem (I set it to maximum cold and still things would be warm) I contacted my landlord to check how we could fix it. I must mention my landlord is the kindest landlord I could ever asked for and promptly told me to contact someone to fix it and that he would pay whatever the cost was. Fortunately I remembered that maybe the guarantee hadn’t still expire and that we could have it fixed with no cost at all for him. So, he searched for the guarantee document, I contacted the manufacturer (Balay, owned by the Bosch Group) and within 3 days we had the fridge fixed.

Now this post is not to prove that guarantee works but rather to tell you that to my surprise, one week ago I received a letter from Balay appologizing for the inconvenience and that they always reach for their clients’ satisfaction, bla bla bla. I was about to do a western origami ball and put it on the non-organic thrash bag (as it sounded like an advertisement letter) when I read in the last paragraphs  that we would benefit from a guarantee extension of 2 more years starting form the day the fridge got fixed.

In a world where most big companies seem to have forgotten about clients’ satisfaction (stupidly, because I think satisfied clients mean money) and put the profit before everything else, I was really happy that Balay, or the Bosch Group, play different. If one day I am going to buy any fridge, guess which brand I’ll be looking for? This is how you get clients.

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