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OCRFeeder 0.6 released and the move to GNOME

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    Joaquim Rocha

I’ve just released OCRFeeder 0.6.

This new version introduces the following changes:

  • Hide import pdf and unpaper menus if the respective commands are not available
  • Several code improvements
  • Removed Studio from the application name
  • Removed unneeded engines folder
  • Lowered the package name font case
  • Updated copyright notice on the about dialog
  • Swedish translation (thanks to Daniel Nylander)

Another very important change is that I moved the development of OCRFeeder to the GNOME infrastructure. This means I’m using GNOME’s git server and will soon use GNOME Bugzilla to track bugs. I always thought of OCRFeeder as a unique Free Software application (in the way that there isn’t anyone similar to it) and that it would be great to get it more involved with our favorite desktop environment.

I’d like to thank Claudio for supporting me on this move.

You can get the latest source from GNOME FTP.

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