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Call for GUADEC BoF and Lightning Talks open until June 18h

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    Joaquim Rocha

The public Call for Participation for Lightning Talks, BoF and Hackfest has been officially opened for the 2012 GNOME Users And Developers European Conference (GUADEC) conference.

You can read the call for participations at Lightning Talks and BoFs CFP and submit your proposal at the submission system.

GUADEC 2012 will be hosted in A Coruña, Spain, from July 26 – August 1st. BoF, Hackfests and other events will be scheduled between July 30th and August 1st.

This call for Participation for GUADEC 2012 will follow these dates:

June 18: Deadline for submission of Lightning Talks and BoF proposals. June 26: Notification to Lightning Talks contributors. July 26 – 29: GUADEC 2012 in A Coruña, Spain July 30 – August 1: hackfests and meetings

The rest of the activities BoFs, Hackfest, etc. will be accepted with a FIFO approach whenever there are available slots and rooms in the conference program.

We would like to remind you that registration for GUADEC is already open and you can reserve your accomodation with the registration system until July 1st.

Follow GUADEC’s developments: and

For general questions please contact the GUADEC team.

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