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SeriesFinale 0.3 released
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- Name
- Joaquim Rocha
Yesterday I finally uploaded the changes I had locally committed in my git clone of SeriesFinale and send them also for building in the extras repository of Maemo.
The 0.3 version has the following changes:
Added extra information to tree views
While you can enter the list of episodes and check what’s the next you need to watch, it is boring to need to navigate so much just to check this, so I added some extra information to the shows and seasons views. Basically now you’ll readily know how many seasons you have in a show, how many episodes you are left to watch, what’s the next one to go and which seasons/shows are completely watched.

Added configuration file handling and episodes order recall
Paco Zafra, a SeriesFinale user, asked for the app to remember his episodes’ sorting preferences and with this version it will start doing so. Hope you like it Paco. This also means it now stores an XML file with these preferences and will do it for other future preferences added to the program.
With this release I also added support for internationalization and included the Portuguese translation already. You can contribute to SeriesFinale by sending me a .po file translated in your language.

Apart from the changes above, several code improvements were made.
The update should be arriving at you N900 any time soon.
Hope you like it!