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SeriesFinale version 0.6.7

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    Joaquim Rocha

In the last release of SeriesFinale some nice new features were introduced like live search of TV shows but there was a problem: I messed it up. Basically, you could live search but once you pressed on a show, a different would be selected… good job, I know… 🙂

Anyway, the live search is fixed in this new version.

It also has some new cool changes by Juan:

  • Covers are now kept back when the application is upgraded
  • The database is now saved automatically every 5 minutes
  • To prevent database corruption, the database is saved in a temporary file and if everything when well it is then moved to the right file name
  • It now checks if other instances of SF are running and hangs newer instances until the old ones are finished
  • Buttons whose actions depend on the connection are now only visible when the device is online

Since last version, it is possible to navigate to the next and previous episodes when viewing an episode details but one thing that was a real pain was to have to go back to the full list of episodes in order to mark them as watched so I’ve added a menu that lets users check the episode as watched.

The episodes’ titles are now also stroked when they are watched:

If you use the extras-testing repository, be sure to give it a try and vote to promote it.

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