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Here’s to a great 2013

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    Joaquim Rocha

Just like last year, here I am looking in retrospect to what happened this year but I have to be brief because Helena and I are spending the night with my parents.

Last year I said 2012 would be a year of change but, depending on the perspective, it really wasn’t. In 2013, however, many things will change for sure but I will let you know about that soon. Meanwhile, here is a bit of what happened in my life during this year.

The big trip this year was a very special one — Japan — which I won’t repeat how great it was. We also revisited London and I traveled to other places due to work (even though this year’s GUADEC was in the city I live in).

Last year, I set up a reading challenge at Goodreads for 15 books; 5 more than in 2011. Sadly, I read only a third of those… 5 books in 2012. However, I need to say that in the list there is Crytonomicon, a book I took great pleasure in reading, but which has almost 1000 pages; besides that, the list does not include a few technical books I read.

In 2012, my 4th year in Igalia, I was part of a new team — the Interactivity team. The most important part of my work was definitely the development of Skeltrack: the world’s first Open Source skeleton tracking library. Skeltrack, together with other libraries like GFreenect was the basis for many of the projects we developed throughout the year. 5 versions of Skeltrack were released since its release, it won an award and in last November it powered a completely Open Source interactive installation in Berlin.

As for other projects, I released 3 versions of OCRFeeder and only 1 of SeriesFinale in 2012.

To finish, this year I restyled my blog, with dedicated sections for the travels and presentations I do and the software I write.

Have a great 2013!

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