This is where I keep track of the most important talks and lectures I have given or will give.
- Contribfest: Hop Aboard and Contribute to Headlamp
- KubeCon North America 2024, – Salt Lake City, USA
- Contribfest: Headlamp K8s UI - Build Your First Plugin, Contribute with Code, Design, or Words
- KubeCon Europe 2024, – Paris, France
- Bringing it all together: unifying multiple cloud native projects into a coherent UI experience
- Cloud Native Rejekts, – Paris, France
- The problems you will have when creating a plugins system for your shiny UI project
- FOSDEM, – Brussels, Belgium
- Taming the thundering gitops herd with update policies
- GitopsCon, – Valencia, Spain
- Bringing the power of eBPF tools to your Kubernetes web UI
- Cloud Native Rejekts 2021 NA, – online from Lagos, Portugal
- A Walk Through the Kubernetes UI Landscape
- KubeCon North America 2020, – online from Lagos, Portugal
- Yes, we need a new dashboard!
- Virtual Rejekts 2020, – online from Berlin, Germany
- Managing Flatcar updates with Nebraska
- Cloud Native Computing Berlin Meetup, – Berlin, Germany
- Building and distributing Linux images the modern way with Flatpak and ostree
- Distributing OS images and apps with ostree+Flatpak
- CERN Computing Seminar, – Geneva, Switzerland
- Limited Connectivity, Endless Apps
- GUADEC 2017, – Manchester, UK
- Limited Connectivity, Endless Apps
- Libre Applications Summit, – Portland, Oregon, USA
- Tecnologías de interactividad, realidad aumentada e interacción hombre-máquina
- Master en Software Libre, – Vigo, Spain
- Skeltrack: A Free Software library for skeleton tracking
- GUADEC 2012, – A Coruña, Spain
- OCRFeeder: OCR Made Easy on GNOME
- GUADEC 2012, – A Coruña, Spain
- Skeltrack: A Free Software library for skeleton tracking
- LinuxTag 2012, – Berlin, Germany
- Workshops about GNOME technologies (4 lectures)
- Master en Software Libre, – Vigo, Spain
- Skeltrack: Open Source skeleton tracking
- Semana da Ciência e Tecnologia, University of Évora, – Évora, Portugal
- Introducción a Django
- Xornadas Técnicas, – A Coruña, Spain
- Introduction to Django
- Master en Software Libre, – A Coruña, Spain
- Converting printed documents into digital formats with OCRFeeder
- LinuxTag 2011, – Berlin, Germany
- Workshops about GNOME technologies (3 lectures)
- Master en Software Libre, – Vigo, Spain
- Grilo: Integration of Multimedia Contents in Applications Made Easy
- FOSDEM 2011, – Brussels, Belgium
- Making the printed world accessible: A11y in OCRFeeder
- FOSDEM 2011, – Brussels, Belgium
- Introduction to Git
- Computer Science Seminars, – Évora, Portugal
- OCRFeeder, Conversión de Documentos en GNOME
- GUADEC ES 7, – A Coruña, Spain
- Introduction to Django
- Master en Software Libre, – A Coruña, Spain
- Workshops about GNOME technologies (4 lectures)
- Master en Software Libre, – A Coruña, Spain
- Introduction to Python
- Master en Software Libre, – A Coruña, Spain
- SeriesFinale, a TV shows’ tracker for Maemo 5
- FOSDEM 2010, – Brussels, Belgium
- OCRFeeder Document Conversion on GNOME
- FOSDEM 2010, – Brussels, Belgium
- Adapting GNOME Applications to Maemo Fremantle
- Maemo Summit 09, – Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Hands on the New Hildon
- Gran Canaria Desktop Summit, – Gran Canaria, Spain
- OCRFeeder (lightning talk)
- Gran Canaria Desktop Summit, – Gran Canaria, Spain
- Introduction to Django
- Master en Software Libre, – Vigo, Spain
- A complete Document Analysis and Recognition system for GNU/Linux (MSc Thesis presentation)
- University of Évora, – Évora, Portugal
- Training for the LPI
- Ministério da Educação, – Lisbon, Portugal
- O Sapalhães
- Codebits 2008, – Lisbon, Portugal
- Alinex Desktop and Remote Login
- Dia do Software Livre nas Escolas, – Setúbal, Portugal
- BluePad, El mando remoto para GNU/Linux
- X Congreso Internacional Software Libre Hispalinux, – Cáceres, Spain
- BluePad, Módulo do rato (lightning talk)
- Sapo Codebits 2007, – Lisbon, Portugal
- BluePad, The remote controller for GNU/Linux
- Open Delta aLANtejo 2007, – Évora, Portugal
- BluePad, O controle remoto para GNU/Linux
- I Fórum Software Livre de Lisboa, – Lisbon, Portugal